Our First Experience at the USA Jigsaw Nationals

Doing What You Love… Doesn’t Have To Hurt (and WHAT this has to do with our folding table risers!) O.K. so it’s not just you… so we are going to start here: What in the Dickens is a “PUZZLER?” A "puzzler" is a term commonly used to refer to folks who enjoy solving puzzles [...]

By |2024-05-23T19:56:21-07:00May 19th, 2024|Puzzlers|

10 Ways to Improve Ergonomics for Your Business

Ergonomics is the study of how people interact with their environment and how to design that environment in a way that maximizes efficiency and comfort. In the workplace, ergonomics is especially important, as it can directly impact employee health, safety, and productivity. This article will explore 10 ways that companies can improve ergonomics in the [...]

Give the Gift of Ergonomics to your Employees this Holiday Season

Lift Your Table® folding table risers for retail, packaging, fulfillment, and sorting As the holiday season ushers in an atmosphere of generosity and appreciation, there's no better time to demonstrate your commitment to your workforce's well-being. Amid the festivities, the gift of ergonomics emerges as a thoughtful gesture that goes beyond material presents. [...]

5 Ways Any Company Can Benefit From Our Ergonomic Solution This Holiday Rush!

As the holiday season fast approaches, businesses are gearing up to navigate the unique demands and opportunities this time of year brings. Among the many tools that can enhance your operational agility, folding table risers emerge as unsung heroes, offering a versatile solution to elevate various facets of your business. As your business prepares for [...]

6 Simple Ergonomic Steps to Get Your Warehouse Holiday Rush Ready

Preparing Your Warehouse for the Holiday Season with Ergonomics and Safety in Mind The holiday season is a pivotal time for corporations, both small and large, as the demand for products and services surges, and it's coming up fast. In the lead-up to the holiday season, ensuring a smooth and prosperous journey becomes paramount for [...]

6 Reasons Why Ergonomics is Crucial for the Modern Warehouse

Why Ergonomics is Crucial for the Modern Warehouse The modern warehouse is a complex environment that requires careful management to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity. One crucial aspect of warehouse management is ergonomics, which is the science of designing the workplace to fit the worker. Ergonomics is essential for creating a safe, comfortable, and efficient [...]

The Importance of Ergonomics in Workplace Safety

Why Ergonomics is Important for Workplace Safety In order to create a safe work environment and prevent workplace injuries, every health and safety manager should recognize the importance of workplace ergonomics. What Is Workplace Ergonomics? Ergonomics is the science of creating products and processes designed for human comfort and safety. This can apply to numerous [...]

Still Working From Home? Try These 5 Easy Strategies

Before the pandemic, we posted some easy strategies for beginners to start working from home. But now the novelty has worn off and June 21 is National Work From Home Day. Many workers are still working from home, but you might not be doing it every day. Or you might be, depending on your employer. [...]

By |2022-06-14T10:23:26-07:00June 21st, 2022|Work From Home|

5 Reasons Professional Wellness is Key for Business Owners

June is Professional Wellness month, but really, what does that even mean? Many healthcare campaigns are aimed at individual consumers and helping them be well through improving diet, sleep, exercise, and so forth.  Yet it’s critical to recognize that the workplace has a part to play in the health of the people working for that [...]

By |2022-05-31T12:17:14-07:00June 7th, 2022|Business Owner Success|

4 Ways to Appreciate Mom for Mother’s Day

The team here at Lift Your TableⓇ folding table risers includes mothers, pregnant people (and non-mothers too), so you might say we’ve got some insight on what mothers really want. Yes, flowers are nice, and so is a dinner mom doesn’t have to cook. So are chocolates or your mom’s favorite treat. You *do* know [...]

By |2022-04-26T12:06:29-07:00May 3rd, 2022|Wellness|
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