9 Top Strategies To Simplify Your Busy Life

Modern life is fast-moving and complicated. Make no mistake, there are a lot of companies that benefit financially from our overly complex lives! But the human brain didn’t develop in our always-on culture and fast-moving environment.  Making things slower and simpler makes it easier for human beings to enjoy life. But how exactly do you [...]

By |2022-08-23T09:48:20-07:00July 12th, 2022|Business Owner Success, Customers, Safety Everywhere|

What Will You Simplify For National Simplicity Day July 12?

Modern life moves fast, and it can also be quite complex. It’s hard to know if you’re making the right decision when you don’t have all the facts. And when you don’t have the time to consider all the relevant details! Simplifying what you can is a great way to give yourself more breathing room for the more difficult decisions. One of the best ways to simplify is to create habits. And systems, especially for business owners. Whether you own your own business or not, there are a variety of ways to keep it simple.

By |2021-07-01T12:32:51-07:00July 6th, 2021|Injury prevention|
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