Healthy Aging

A fun topic to write about! No one really wants to think about aging… but on the other hand, it’s better than the alternative. Keeping your back safe is definitely a solid part of healthy aging, but there are lots of other ideas as well. It’s not just physical health that counts, but mental and emotional health as well. If you treat yourself well, both as a young adult and as you get older, you’ll find that there are great benefits to old age. Don’t knock experience and wisdom, because they’re excellent teachers and there’s only one way to attain them. As Spock from Star Trek would have it: live long and prosper.

By |2020-09-01T13:25:05-07:00September 15th, 2020|Wellness|

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your …Diets!

With all the changes our clients have experienced recently, many people have found their eating habits up in the air. It may be difficult to stick to a schedule because you’re juggling work and kids at home, or you haven’t found your groove yet and you’re eating whatever’s in the fridge whenever you remember. Still, dietitians think that now is a great time to rework your eating habits!

By |2020-06-23T14:06:53-07:00June 30th, 2020|Wellness, Work From Home|
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