Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging

A fun topic to write about! No one really wants to think about aging… but on the other hand, it’s better than the alternative. Keeping your back safe is definitely a solid part of healthy aging, but there are lots of other ideas as well. It’s not just physical health that counts, but mental and emotional health as well.

If you treat yourself well, both as a young adult and as you get older, you’ll find that there are great benefits to old age. Don’t knock experience and wisdom, because they’re excellent teachers and there’s only one way to attain them.

As Spock from Star Trek would have it: live long and prosper.

Eat well

Just like your mom said: stop eating all the junk! Once in a while as a treat, junk food is fine. But not as the mainstay of your diet. You know what to avoid: too much sugar, fried food, refined grains.

Put your yum on and think about all the things you can have: bright, colorful fruits and veg. Add in grains that haven’t been processed within an inch of their lives and lean proteins and you’re good to go.

Stay hydrated too. We have tips if you don’t like the taste of water, just make sure you’re getting enough H20.

Get a move on

Stop sitting, start moving. Anywhere you can, as much as you can. We humans weren’t designed to stay sitting in a recliner and watching a screen for hours on end.

You can add more movement to your day no matter where you work or don’t work. Every errand is a chance to park farther away from the building and get more steps in. Your desk when you’re working from home is a chance to alternate sitting and standing, or sitting on a ball or stool, or some other way to play.

Stay connected IRL (in real life)

We humans are designed to be social animals. Even though it’s called social media, it doesn’t satisfy our need for connection the way phone calls or in-person visits do. You need to speak to people.

Yes, introverts too. They don’t need as many people around them as extroverts prefer, but they still need a couple of close friends.

Reach out and touch someone, as the ads used to say! (Just do it safely during the time of coronavirus.)

Stay active mentally

Human bodies and minds are both “use it or lose it”. The easiest way to stay sharp mentally is… to stay sharp mentally. There are a variety of ways to do this, including puzzles, continuing to learn all your life whether formally in a class or otherwise, reading, and trying new things like a new language or hobby.

Cultivate friends of all ages. Your older friends can commiserate about what you’re going through, and your younger friends can keep you up to date on new technology and ideas.

Get regular checkups

Don’t neglect your physical health. It’s important to catch issues before they can become too big or too entrenched. If your teeth start going bad, it’s a lot easier to fix them with today’s dental techniques rather than rely on a set of dentures. Many chronic health conditions can be managed with a minimum of hassle when they’re caught early, instead of waiting until you end up in the hospital.

Get your physicals, eye exams, and other regular health checkups on time.

Try new things

This is one of the best ways to stay active both mentally and physically as you age. No reason to get stuck in a rut when there are always new and different ideas out there!

You might get interested in a new hobby, a new workout, a new place to visit, a new dance routine… anything novel excites your brain and keeps you alert.

Get creative

Let go of the need for perfection and allow yourself to be creative without worrying too much about the end result. If your vases are lopsided when they come out of the kiln, or your horses look more like dragons, or your flute sounds like a sick cat, or your stitches are too big and obvious… who cares?

Take some classes if you like, or check out YouTube for inspiration.

Balance work and life

While we’re all working from home, it’s easy to allow work to creep in to other aspects of your daily life. But no one dies regretting that they didn’t work hard enough. They wish they hadn’t spent as much time working as they did.

So set up your schedule to draw a bright line between work and home, and honor your home time. Make sure you’re not checking your work emails when it’s family time. Even if you love your work, make sure that your friends and family get to see you too.

What’s a fun way that you use to age more or less gracefully? Let us know in the comments!

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