Happy Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving??


At this time of year we have traditionally stopped to reflect on what we are grateful for. 2020 has been a tough one for sure. If we had only known back in February how this year would unfold…would we even have believed it?

Worldwide pandemic, national and local elections, civil strife, loss…it’s been a LOT this year yet we are here. We are standing, we are strong!

But it’s not even over yet. Many of us can’t visit friends and family or freely travel and explore in the ways we normally would. But we have also learned that we are stronger and more resilient than we could ever imagine we could be!

Yes, it’s been a challenging year but if you can just take a minute and stop. Take a deep breathe and acknowledge:


So as we approach the holidays and the wrapping up of a year none of us could have possibly foretold even after the wildest dream, we wanted to take a minute to say “THANK YOU” and to encourage you to try some different things to be creative this holiday season.

We also have a bonus tip for you!

Friends and family

We’re thankful for all our friends and family, neighbors and even strangers for their numerous expressions of love and support. Like many Americans and others around the world, so many of us have lost loved ones this year. But we are grateful to have had them in our lives.


Yes, we are thankful for our fur babies. They’ve been especially important during all these restrictions because they keep us amused with their zany antics! Many of us have opened our homes and hearts to new furry family members – some for the first time!

We salute our co-rescuers for knowing how the love of a rescued dog or cat can help ease even the deepest pain. Bunny agrees….


We love our customers and appreciate your support, feedback, reviews and shares you give us! It is truly a thrill for us to hear back from customers who let us know how much better our product makes them feel and how our product literally saves backs all over the world.

We are thankful that after a long work day, somebody …a few bodies actually… is feeling better, crafting longer, earning more income for themselves and being more productive because we did our job in getting the word out.

We’re especially thankful for those of you who spread the good word about our products to your network. We want to take this opportunity to remind you that we’re very interested in hearing your feedback! Tell us what you need so we can make these the best quality products possible.


To: Bob, Pat, Casey, JJ, Pierce, Dayanna, Lauren and Griffin. Thank you for believing WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! We’re thankful that you believe in our product, as well as our mission of helping people save their backs, one set of folding table risers at a time.


To all the agencies and businesses working to support small businesses especially during the time of COVID-19

Bonus for 2020 holidays!

Get creative with videoconferencing. Your whole family, no matter where in the world they are, can Zoom together on the holidays. Consider a decorating competition with fun prizes for the winners!

Where to get those fun prizes? Glad you asked. Saturday after Thanksgiving is Small Business Saturday so shop outside the big box stores. Check out the locally-owned shops and services in your community. If their stores are closed due to coronavirus, look for them online and browse to your heart’s content.

May we leave you this month with these wise words:

“Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems.” – Sun Tzu

B Team Solutions, the makers of LiftYourTable™ folding table risers is a certified woman-owned (WBENC) and minority (MBE) business. Check out our store and give your back something to be thankful for this year!

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