Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

When it comes to technology, there are a lot of solutions for maintaining a clutter-free computer desktop… but not everyone uses them. National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day is coming October 17th, so get ready to declutter!

Why is it important to declutter your desktop?

Just as it’s key to have a clean desk to avoid being distracted by the clutter, having a virtual desktop that’s relatively clear provides the same benefit. It may also help your computer speed up a little. There’s no reason to come to work and see a screen that’s crammed full of icons, especially when that forces you to spend time hunting down exactly what you want.

Kondo it!

If you can. Most people don’t have a lot of electronic file folders or documents that really spark joy. Though if you have some, by all means leave them on your desktop! Otherwise, there are ways to organize all your files and folders and keep the space clear.

  • Find a screensaver or background that you love

This will help you keep that space clear, because you’ll want to look at your lovely background. Bonus points for nature scenes or soothing scenes that help you relax just by looking at them.

  • Create a folder system that makes sense to you

You can name folders anything you want, and collect documents inside the appropriate folder. Use names that will mean something to you a few months from now if you need to find something.

You can embed folders within other folders as well. For example, suppose you have two businesses. You could have one folder for one business and one folder for the other, and then arrange folders within each business for what you need.

As long as it makes sense to you, that’s what counts.

  • Save on the cloud

Saving this way saves space on your hard drive, and also provides an automatic backup. You don’t have to worry if your hard drive or any other part of the computer abruptly dies on you. (I had a drive die in the middle of a customer demonstration, so I can promise you this happens!)

When it’s set up correctly, the document can save automatically so you don’t lose all the work you’ve put into it. They’re also more secure in the cloud than they are on your laptop.

  • Remove icons that can stay on the taskbar

Your taskbar can hold the programs you use often, like your web browser and spreadsheet/word programs. Delete the ones you don’t use or need very often from the taskbar, and delete them from the desktop as well.

  • Delete what’s saved elsewhere and not necessary on your desktop anymore

Once you’ve created your folder system, move your existing documents inside and off your desktop. You can delete any copies once everything’s saved.

  • Create a task to clear up every quarter

Desktops, both virtual and offline, have a tendency to gather items! Cleaning your virtual desktop quarterly to start is doable. You might need to adjust that depending on whether you quickly get into the habit of saving directly into your folders or whether you continue with the bad habit of leaving everything on the desktop.

Physical desktops typically need to be cleaned a bit more often!

Meat space desktops

  • Clear the clutter

Having less on your workspace makes it easier to focus on one thing at a time. And it looks nicer.

  • Simple set-up

You don’t need everything on the surface of your desk. The computer necessities if you work at a computer, or the basics that you need if you don’t. Additional items should be corralled elsewhere, maybe in bins or baskets depending on your decor.

  • Stand when you can

Sitting’s bad for your health! Stand up to work periodically. You’ll need to raise the height of your workspace when you’re standing. We make it easy for you to convert your existing folding table into a standing desk, but there are other options as well.

  • Be ergonomic

Make sure wrists are straight, elbows at a right angle, and knees at a right angle( while sitting). This is the best way to make sure you don’t end up with any strains or sprains while you’re at your desk.

The same positions go for standing at your desk, except of course your knees will be straight, not bent at a 90 degree angle.

If you want to convert a folding table to a standing one, check out our store for the height that will suit you best.

Lift Your TableⓇ… SAVE YOUR BACK!

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