Back to School … 3 Ways to Safety

Back to School … 3 Ways to Safety

It’s that time of year! The kids are back in school, and you want to ensure that they’re safe. We’ve got some practical and easy measures to keep all kids (yours and anyone else’s!) as safe as possible.


Unfortunately this year we’re all still dealing with COVID-19 and some variants that seem to be transmitted even more easily than the original virus. The guidelines change according to different situations, and as researchers discover more about the virus and its variants. Check with your local school and health districts for guidelines.


Part of keeping kids safe is keeping them healthy, both mentally and physically.

  • Stand up and get a move on

Kids today spend a lot of time sitting. They sit in front of screens when they’re home, and they may sit at desks most of the day when they’re at school. But human bodies aren’t designed to sit all the time. Standing up and moving around is better for them.

For one thing, they need physical activity to sleep well at night. Just like with puppies and kittens, some good romps during the day mean more and better sleep later.

And just like human adults, their brains need oxygenated blood to function properly. Moving around is one of the best ways to promote blood flow to the brain.

Many classrooms have folding tables, and depending on the age and sizes of the kids, it might be helpful to lift up the table surfaces so the kids can stand to do projects more comfortably.

  • Gamify

Kids need to play, and active play is better than sitting in front of screens. Make it fun, not a dull chore that has to be taken care of before they get to go back to social media. Most kids probably shouldn’t be on screens that much in the first place!

Making exercise fun is key to setting up a habit they’ll have for the rest of their lives. This might mean school sports, but it might not. Games played with you or other kids in the neighborhood work just fine.

  • Watch the drinking!

We’re talking fruit juice and soda, not to mention sugary milk shakes sold at the local coffee shop. Not alcohol, which is hopefully not a problem! (And if it is, that’s a different article.)

Kids need water just like you do. Sometimes people think fruit juice is healthy because it comes from fruit, but it’s not. All those drinks have too much sugar. Eating the actual fruit provides fiber, so the whole fruit is better.

Kids mostly don’t need sports or energy drinks either. If they feel like they need energy drinks, then they’re not getting enough sleep. Older kids who are involved in intense sports with workouts that last over an hour may have a need for energy drinks, but other kids don’t.

If your kids like soda because of the bubbles, you can make your own carbonated water at home, or pick up flavored seltzers instead.

  • Encourage talking about feelings

Sometimes kids just need to be heard and acknowledged. They don’t always have the tools to soothe themselves, and parents need to be aware of when their kids are having an issue.

Being able to access their emotions and name them builds their emotional intelligence. EQ is regularly cited as a key skill that leaders in the future need to have, so make sure feelings are OK to talk about in your house.

  • Discourage screens

Monkey see, monkey do. If you spend all your time at home staring at your phone or laptop or whatever else, don’t be surprised when your kids do, too. However, social media is bad for mental health for many people, especially teenagers.

Constant comparison to other people’s supposedly perfect lives is not safe for young brains. It’s not that great for adult brains either.

If you can’t keep your kid off social media, then monitor their use. If you don’t know how, there are classes and books to help you. Understanding what your child is seeing on a regular basis is key for mental health.

Keep them safe while you’re driving

  • Obey speed limits in schools and neighborhoods

Kids often run out in front of cars if they’re chasing something. If you’re going slowly enough and watching for the kids, you’ll probably be able to stop in time.

Kids have the right of way when it’s time for school to start or end. so if you’re driving near a school at that time you should expect a longer travel time to allow the kids to go. It’s not their fault you have somewhere to be; that’s on you.


There is no such thing as multitasking. Your brain simply switches from one task to another without you noticing it. That means if you’re on your phone, you are by definition not watching out for kids that may be around you.

  • Do not pass the bus when the sign is out!

Yes, buses move slowly and they’re annoying to be behind. And yes, it’s super annoying to have to sit there and wait for all the little rug rats to board the bus. Again, you’re the one driving in the area with school buses at the time that they’re picking up or dropping off kids.

When the stop sign is out, kids are getting on and off the bus. They might be running across the street to the house where they live. If you pass the bus you’re endangering the kids.

  • Use seatbelts and child safety seats properly

Older kids need their seatbelts on, and younger kids need to be in a child safety seat per the guidelines.

Buy that child safety seat new, because every crash or accident reduces the structural integrity of the seat. There are things you can skimp on or share with others when it comes to kids (like clothing), but safety equipment isn’t it.

Do your kids need the folding table lifted up high enough so they don’t strain their backs while playing or doing homework? Click here to see our full line of folding table risers.

Lift Your TableⓇ… SAVE YOUR BACK!

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