4 Ways to Appreciate Mom for Mother’s Day

4 Ways to Appreciate Mom for Mother’s Day

The team here at Lift Your TableⓇ folding table risers includes mothers, pregnant people (and non-mothers too), so you might say we’ve got some insight on what mothers really want. Yes, flowers are nice, and so is a dinner mom doesn’t have to cook. So are chocolates or your mom’s favorite treat.

You *do* know what your mother’s favorite treat is, right? Sometimes people forget that mothers are people too, with our own likes and dislikes and favorite treats and guilty pleasures and favorite movies, books, and shows. One thing that most mothers don’t like, though, is being taken for granted.

So this Mother’s Day, don’t take her for granted. It’s not about another holiday or guilt trip or trip to the store to buy a card and some flowers. Give her what she really wants: appreciation. Appreciate her for all the things she does – or doesn’t do – and let her know it.


No, we’re not giving you license to nag if Mom’s not doing something for her health that you think she should! But there are ways to help support her health, depending on her preferences.

For example, maybe she’d like a few days out of the week where she doesn’t have to come up with the menus and cook. You could send her a meal-prep service – unless she’s the kind of mom who would be greatly offended by this!

If she works from home, make sure her setup is ergonomic. Maybe she needs a separate monitor, keyboard and mouse. If she’s a shorter mother (hey, some of the best are) then she might need a footrest.

And if she spends a lot of time sitting down in front of the screen, maybe a standing desk is a great way to help her move more. (And we can help you convert a folding table to a standing desk.)

Or maybe she’d enjoy a pass to the local park, or spa or massage. A gift certificate to her favorite local spot could be just the thing.


You know housework isn’t encoded onto the X chromosome, right? There’s no reason that Mom has to be the only one who does chores around the house. Kids and spouses can and should take care of some duties around the house.

Taking charge of a meal shouldn’t be done once a year on Mother’s Day, but all year round. Kids need to learn these skills so they can “adult” properly when they leave the nest anyway.

You can also use technology like robot vacuums, or hire some help in the form of maid or housekeeping services when it comes to cleaning chores.

Family & friends

Ever heard your mom say that she’d just like the whole family to be together? Yes, there’s a reason for that! And like sharing the housework, you can do it on more days of the year than just on Mother’s Day.

And when you’re together, whether it’s family or friends or both, be in the moment. That means no cell phones! Toss them all in a basket so you can actually be present with each other.

That’s what your mom means when she would like everyone to be together. She doesn’t mean everyone in the same room staring silently down at their phones.


What hobbies does your mom or the woman in your life like? Give her the space and time to indulge in them. That might mean you take care of the kids on Wednesday nights so she can get to her stitch-n-b*tch/martial arts class/weekly hang with her girlfriends/whatever activity that she enjoys.

Or you hire a babysitter while you both go out with friends or have a date night to yourselves.

You might have noticed reading through these that not only are they things to consider year-round, not just on Mother’s Day, but that some of them are pretty cheap to do as well! Most moms would rather you spend time with them and actually be present instead of buying something for them but not show up.

Go forth and give the mother in your life a great Mother’s Day! (Pet parents count too.)

Need to lift up your mom’s folding table so she can craft, play, and/or work comfortably with no back pain? Check out our online store here.

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