What Are You Doing for National Hobby Month?
Though we love all hobbies, we have a special love for crafters, quilters and sewers! Why!? We get the BEST feedback from them in our annual survey. Telling us how thrilled they are to be able to work at what they love…and for longer periods…since they found our folding table risers! And we love to help save their backs by lifting up the surfaces that they work on.
Love for our stitching friends doesn’t just stop there! We are pleased to announce we will again be at the Road to California Quilter’s Conference & Showcase in Ontario, CA from January 23rd to January 26, 2020.
The largest Quilt/Sewing showcase in the Western US features more than 42,000 visitors from all 50 states and several foreign countries who come to view exhibits featuring antique, traditional, artistic and modern quilts designed by both national and international quilt groups. A vibrant vendor mall of over 225 nationally and internationally known retailers feature the very latest to see, try and buy in quilt making supplies, classes, machines, notions, antique quilts and gift items.
Please join us at the 2020 Road to California Quilters Conference in Ontario, California for a complete immersion into the quilting world. If you go, please stop by our booth (we’re on the list as B Team Solutions)! Mention this blog and get a free gift, a yummy treat and maybe even a hug. We would LOVE to see you there!
But maybe you saw this title and…scoffed. Maybe you thought, who has time for hobbies?
What exactly is a hobby?
Pretty much anything that you find interesting, that requires some kind of either physical or mental activity, that you don’t do for money. It could be crafts such as quilting or woodworking – hobbies are not just for women.
Or a book club, softball or soccer team, choir, or other group activity. Ever wanted to learn to play piano, guitar, drums or other musical instrument? Music is pretty awesome for your brain. Learn to dance, play card games, garden, keep bees, make soap.
The only thing you really have to worry about is ensuring it’s something you’re interested in. It’s not going to work if you choose a hobby because other people at work do it, or your kids do it, or some successful person does it. Choose it because you like it.
Why hobbies are important
OK, it doesn’t fit in to your usual labels for important activities, such as “work” or “business” or “marketing” or “family”. But in fact, hobbies do make life better. You can find some the whole family can enjoy, if you’re not quite able to carve out that kind of time just for yourself.
Of course you can find hobbies that are just time for you to spend with yourself. That’s perfectly OK too, by the way.
- Brain health
You’re probably pretty clear on why it’s key to keep your brain healthy. Hobbies such as quilting encourage flow. Active leisure keeps us happy and our brains healthy. Especially compared to vegging out in front of the TV or computer screen.
Hobbies encourage more social interaction, which is also an important component for health and happiness. Even introverts need a little we-time.
They’re an excellent way to combat stress. Which the vast majority of us need! When you’re working on your hobby, you get into that state of flow. You forget about the nastygram your boss sent, or how difficult your teenager is, because you’re absorbed in what you’re doing.
Hobbies also help remind you that you’re a person with your own activities and interests. Not just a worker or a parent or a spouse. When things go wrong in these other aspects of life, as they tend to do, it doesn’t destroy your whole identity.
2. Productivity
Want to be more productive? Be more efficient with your time. This may sound counter-intuitive. But when you’ve got something to look forward to, you’ll try to wrap up your other activities like checking email so you have the time to do something fun.
That means less time scrolling aimlessly on social media, and more time getting work done then having fun.
Making time for hobbies
You know what I’m going to say, right? Put the phone down.
Hobbies will make you more interesting. Sometimes people think they need to binge-watch the same shows as everyone at the office to join in the conversation. But this type of passive leisure doesn’t serve you, in terms of brain health or happiness or anything else. Talk about your hobby instead.
We’ve talked before about how social media isn’t great for wellness either. Sometimes it’s hard to stop scrolling once you get started.
The easiest way to avoid comparing yourself to other people and the wonderful lives they showcase on social media? Stay away from it in the first place.
Think about your typical day. Where are you doing things that don’t serve your health and happiness? After dinner, during the midafternoon slump?
For some people it may be the morning. (Note: don’t check your emails first thing. Most people are more productive soon after they wake up, and checking emails is a total waste of that time.)
Let active leisure replace the mindless scrolling. This can be working out, or taking a walk, and – yes – a hobby. Do something that’s interesting to you.
What’s your hobby? Crafting, quilting, playing an instrument, kicking the soccer ball around? Let us know in the comments!