Six Ways To Have a Blast With Your Family!

Six Ways To Have a Blast With Your Family!

The last Saturday in September is Family Fun and Fitness Day, and this year it falls on the 25th. If your local community center doesn’t have anything on the schedule, then it’s up to you! Remember that both adults and kids need to play – it actually keeps your brains healthy – so live it up this Saturday!

Focus on the fun part, and no one even needs to think about the fitness. Though obviously “fun” means moving around, not sitting in front of screens. That goes for you, too: avoid checking your phone while you’re playing.


What’s going on at your local park? There might be something special for Fun & Fitness Day, but if not, it’s worth taking a walk. Kids can identify animals and plants, or run around like maniacs making up their own games.

If you enjoy it, you can bring a frisbee or football or soccer ball (or baseball or softball or beach ball) with you for some impromptu games.

If not, that’s OK too. Just being outside in nature is a known stress reliever.

Fun fall stuff

There may be corn mazes, apple picking, pumpkin patches, and other autumnal delights you and the family can enjoy in your neck of the woods this time of year.

Your local paper or neighborhood group on social media can probably give you some suggestions about the best places to go.

Walk or fun run

No worries about coming in first, because these “races” are designed for the whole family to enjoy. If you have very small kids, you can often bring your stroller and walk or run with it. Some of them invite you to wear costumes, which can be especially fun for kids, and may provide some goodies at the end.

Go exploring: make your own obstacle course or scavenger hunt

You and the kids can design and build an obstacle course in your backyard for your own personal use. You can also design a scavenger hunt, which is great at the park too. Kids often love collecting, and they can take or draw pictures of the objects that they find.

Play a game

Tag and capture the flag are good, in addition to things like flag football or soccer or other sports. Remember this is about fun, so don’t worry too much if your kids aren’t all that coordinated. Just get them (and you) moving in a fun way.

Indoor fun

If the weather’s bad or for some reason you can’t get outside, you can try an indoor adventure. See if there’s a rock-climbing wall near you, or laser-tag or other fun things to do indoors.

Younger kids should probably avoid paintball! Just make sure that wherever you’re doing is age appropriate.

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