Need another health kickstart in 2021?

Need another health kickstart in 2021?

Are you still going strong on your New Year’s resolutions for 2021? Or did life get in the way? Seriously, we know how it goes. Get back into your resolutions by walking more for National Walking Day on April 7… and the rest of the year too!

Why walking?

Well, it’s one of the easiest ways to get moving. No special equipment needed except a good pair of shoes to walk in. Most people can do it, even those who are overweight and find other aerobic activities are too hard on the joints. Pools may still be closed so you can’t get to the water aerobics class. But you can get outside and walk!

You can walk on the treadmill too. Especially when April showers have arrived and you don’t feel like getting drenched or soaking your shoes during your walk. Outside is usually better, though. Not only does the terrain vary more, which exercises your mind too, but nature is great for your mood.

If you work out hard, add a walk to your rest day. Or go for an amble at lunchtime or after dinner. Walks also get your creativity flowing.

Walk at the office (home or otherwise)

If you’ve been reading our posts, you know that sitting is bad for your health. We’ve mentioned it a time or two or ten (or more). Finding more ways to walk at work gets you off your behind.

  • Can you walk to work safely? If so, try it!
  • We’ve talked about standing desks before. Plus, if you have access to a treadmill, you can push it under the desk and get some slow movement in during the day.
  • If you’ve got coworkers at your office, instead of texting or IMing them, walk on over. Both of you will get a boost from being social face-to-face (or mask-to-mask), especially during the pandemic.
  • If you’re in an office building with shared bathrooms on each floor, why use your own? If you’ve ever had an office next door to the pediatrician and shared a bathroom with them, trust me, you will find other bathrooms to use. Even if you share a building with all adults, take the stairs up or down to the next floor (or two) when you need to go.
  • Make sure you’re staying hydrated by walking over to the water cooler to replenish. Your brain needs periodic breaks from screens too.

Walk when you’re running errands

I’m just going to come out and say it: able-bodied people look absolutely ridiculous circling the parking lot to find the closest spot to the gym! Just park the car already and walk over. It’s faster than a long wait for a close space anyway.

Same when you’re shopping. Unless there are safety issues, like you’re a woman alone in a dark parking lot, park farther away from the store. Enjoy watching drivers get frazzled trying to find the closest spot.

Try walking from store to store when you’re in an outdoor mall or plaza, instead of getting back in your car and driving a few feet over to hit the next store.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator when you can. Two or three floors is pretty easy to do. Let the lazy, those with medical conditions, and those carrying large or heavy items have the elevator.

Walk at home

Dogs need to get some exercise, not just use the yard as a bathroom and then come back inside. The whole family can stretch their legs along with the pooch.

A gentle walk after dinner is often good for digestion.

See if you can gamify getting more walking in for the whole family!

Looking for a standing desk to walk with without breaking the bank? If you have a folding table to repurpose, we’ve got you covered! Click here for details.

Lift Your TableⓇ … SAVE YOUR BACK!

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