Like to Sew? 12 Advantages You Enjoy

Like to Sew? 12 Advantages You Enjoy

Happy National Sewing Month! Many of our clients are crafters, quilters, and people who sew so we’re dedicating this article to you and your creativity. You already know that sewing is a great outlet for self-expression, but did you know there are additional benefits to your craft?

1. Stress relief

While you’re sewing, you need to pay attention to what you’re doing. Being mindful means you have to stay in the present. You’re not fretting over what might happen in the future, nor ruminating about the past. Focusing on a single task rather than trying to multitask is much less work for your brain.

It’s a good fit for people who are feeling depressed or anxious, especially during coronavirus restrictions. You can go at your own speed and stop when you need to without feeling like a failure.

You’re also taking some time for yourself, which is key to self-care. It’s something you’re doing for your own pleasure. Plus you’ll end up with a physical product at the end, which is very satisfying!

2. Mental growth

As you know, sewing is a creative art. What you might not know is that creativity causes the brain to grow new cells and keeps the neural pathways strong. Just what you need for an active and happy brain.

3. Helps fight dementia

While it’s creative, sewing is also a step-by-step process. Having to remember these steps in order works your brain, keeping your mind active no matter your age. One of the ways you can help stave off dementia is to keep your brain working, so feel free to give yourself a sewing workout!

4. Builds patience and perseverance

Unless you’re super-fast with a needle or your project is small, you probably can’t finish it in one sitting. The project will take the time it takes, and you learn to be patient during the process.

Similarly, you might make mistakes or stumble across obstacles in your path. But you continue on with your project, rather than giving up when you run across it. You figure out how to resolve the issue and then move on.

5. Better hand-eye coordination

This one’s probably pretty obvious. If you want to hand-sew without stabbing yourself with a needle, you need this type of motor skill! Even sewing on a machine requires this kind of attention to detail.

6. More hand & finger dexterity

When you don’t have enough of this, your hands are clumsy with objects and you might find you’re dropping things pretty frequently. Or having difficulty using some of your tools. Sewing helps you use all your fingers and improve the agility in your hands.

7. Maintaining proper posture (at the machine)

Hunching over your sewing will hurt your back. Save your back by making sure you’re sitting up tall. Adjust your table height if necessary to ensure that you’re not crouching or otherwise straining yourself. When you’ve got the right posture at the machine, you’ll be able to carry that into other tasks too.

8. Happiness

While you’re engaged in a pleasurable activity, your brain releases dopamine. It’s a neurochemical which makes you feel happy. It’s your brain’s way of telling you to do more of the fun stuff.

9. Time away from your screens

By now (especially if you’re a long-time reader of our articles!) you know that too much time in front of screens is unhealthy mentally and physically. Hobbies including sewing are an excellent way to put the phone down and concentrate on something else that’s fun.

Your brain enjoys doing things that are purposeful instead of scrolling through pictures and social media feeds. The nature of your sewing projects means that even though there’s meaning to what you’re doing, it’s still a time for your mind to relax and take it easy.

10. Socializing

There are a lot of communities built around sewing and needlework arts! You can take classes or simply join a group of friends to sew. Or make new friends by trying out new groups. Even just sharing sewing talk or time online is a great way to make the social connections that we humans need.

11. Saving $$

At Lift Your Table™ we love helping people save money by reusing their existing folding tables instead of buying new ones when they don’t need to. When you’re sewing your own clothes, doing your own alterations, or doing other projects you don’t have to go out and buy new clothes. A needle and thread are much cheaper than a whole new wardrobe!

12. Saving the environment

Similarly, when you’re not out there consuming fast fashion or buying a whole new wardrobe, you’re helping to save the planet. We’re big believers in sustainability too.

What are your favorite benefits of sewing? Let us know in the comments!

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