Are You Prepared? 4 Tips To Pump Up Your Safety Plan

Are You Prepared? 4 Tips To Pump Up Your Safety Plan

September is National Preparedness Month. Unfortunately, disasters and emergencies can happen at any time. Having plans ready to go can make a huge difference to you and your family.

The theme for 2021 is “Prepare to protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”

1. Make a plan

How will you communicate with your family and friends during a disaster? Mobile networks may be down, so cell phones might not work. Don’t rely on them for your plan.

Where will you meet? If everyone needs to get out of the house during a fire, where is a safe place for everyone to gather that will be out of the way of the flames and firemen?

Most people are familiar with the potential natural disasters that occur in their area. If not, make sure you contact the local authorities to find out! For example, southern California is subject to wildfires (click here on how to keep your pets safe in a fire) but not hurricanes. It’s the reverse for the southeastern states.

2. Make a kit

If you need to flee the area, you’ll need to bring some things with you. Have a car emergency kit stashed in your trunk as well.

Gather supplies, including meds, food, and water – for people AND pets. The CDC has recommendations if you’re not sure what you should put in your “go-bag”.

3. Lower your risk

While it’s not always possible to reduce risks to zero, you can mitigate them to the best of your ability. Check to make sure your insurance covers the likely issues in your area.

If there are ways that you can reduce risk to your property, take them. For instance, in fire-prone areas, it’s smart to clear vegetation around your property to avoid fueling a fire.

4. Talk to your kids

If they’re old enough, they can even get involved in the planning process. Disasters and storms can be very scary, especially for younger kids. Make sure they know that these are protective measures.

Many emergency shelters use folding tables for a variety of reasons. Lifting up the table can help workers protect their backs while they’re serving survivors. Click here for the full line of folding table risers to keep your backs safe.

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