3 Keys to Heart Safety for National Heart Month

Are you keeping your ticker in tune while working from home? It’s sometimes hard to remember the basics when you’re juggling home and work. But your family needs your heart! You already know to lose weight if you’re overweight, move around, get enough sleep, stop smoking. But what else can you do to keep it healthy?

By |2021-01-26T12:37:07-08:00February 2nd, 2021|Injury prevention, Wellness|

7 Things To Do TODAY To Help Prevent Diabetes

November is National Diabetes Month. Not only do we want to stay well ourselves, but we want our clients to do so also! You might know there are two kinds of diabetes. Those with Type 1 aren’t able to make any insulin, and it’s thought to be an autoimmune disorder. Also called juvenile diabetes, the symptoms may appear in childhood or later and develop very quickly. Only about 5% of diabetics are Type 1. Those with Type 2 diabetes create enough insulin but don't process it properly. Type 2 appears over a period of time, and sometimes people who have it aren’t aware of it. Risk factors include excess weight and inactivity, so you can take steps (sometimes literally!) to prevent it.

By |2020-11-03T11:08:27-08:00November 10th, 2020|Wellness|

Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your …Diets!

With all the changes our clients have experienced recently, many people have found their eating habits up in the air. It may be difficult to stick to a schedule because you’re juggling work and kids at home, or you haven’t found your groove yet and you’re eating whatever’s in the fridge whenever you remember. Still, dietitians think that now is a great time to rework your eating habits!

By |2020-06-23T14:06:53-07:00June 30th, 2020|Wellness, Work From Home|

3 Ways to Keep Your Heart Safe During American Heart Month

Last week in light of Data Privacy Day we discussed some techniques for keeping your online info safe. This week we’re all about keeping our tickers safe... You already know the basics (we have SMART readers here at Lift Your Table™!) ... Eat healthy, get some exercise, stop smoking if you already smoke, cut back on the booze. All of this advice works for preventing cancer too... But how about going a little farther?

By |2020-01-30T11:04:07-08:00February 4th, 2020|Safety Everywhere, Wellness|
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